Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Summer Acting Courses Meg Hennessy 03 - Maggie Flanigan Studio

Summer Acting Courses Meg Hennessy 03 - Maggie Flanigan Studio Q: I know this is a little different from our usual set up, but I just have some questions about being a student at Maggie Flanigan Studio and your life in the program, which led you to study acting. Before you started the two-year program, what did you think it meant to train as an actor? Before I began, I thought it meant to just immerse yourself in all the different kinds of acting every day. That was what initially drove me to want to train, I was only to be able to do it every day, and I was not disappointed. Q: Now that you are almost done with the two-year program, what do you think it means now? Oh, it's so much more than I initially thought that it would be. For me, it means having a safe space to foster your creativity and allowing yourself to discover who you are as an artist and what that means for you in your life, and also, how it's going to affect other people. It's just been such an expansive process and so life-changing and better than I was expecting or could have even imagined. Q: What's something that you've learned about yourself over this bit of time while studying at the studio that was a surprise? I think the main thing with the studio, in particular, was I thought I was going to have to change aspects of myself or adapt or pretend when I was acting to be somebody else. The most incredible thing about it was learning that it's all there. You're taught that everything is already-- It exists within you, and it's all about just breaking down the walls and allowing yourself to access part of you that you didn't think that you had. It was courage and strength that I wasn't aware was there, and it was so exciting and fun just to realize that I was able to stand up for myself and being allowed to do that helped me grow as a person and as an actor. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 (917) 789-1599 www.maggieflaniganstudio.com/new-york-ny https://flic.kr/p/2jonWN7

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