Two Year Acting Program - Daniel Touhey Interview - Maggie Flanigan Studio
Two Year Acting Program Two Year Meisner Acting Program - Call Maggie Flanigan Studio (917) 789-1601 Meisner training at Maggie Flanigan Studio includes work deeper than memorizing lines and dramatic emotions. In this interview with Logan, Daniel talks about how the Meisner Technique helped him to discover that he has more artistic depth than he previously imagined. Logan: How would you describe what it means to train as an actor before starting here at Maggie Flanigan Studio? Daniel: Before starting here at Maggie Flanigan Studio, I didn't have much experience training as an actor, so I would've described it as learning how to memorize a bunch of lines, learning how to do big dramatic emotions, learning how to get into maybe a physical altercation, learning how to do blocking, that sort of thing. I had a lot of generalizations about what acting was. I did know that it was connecting with humans on a certain level. That is what drew me to it. That was my expectation was coming in. Q: Great. Now that you are where you are in training, how would you describe what it means to train as an actor? A: I would describe it entirely differently. Training as an actor is about finding the truth, especially within yourself. It's about digging deep into the core of who you are and learning about your triggers for different emotions and situations and how things make you act. It knows yourself, which can be a little scary even at times, but it's gratifying to be on that level of consciousness, not only with yourself but with another person. A lot of the time, I've learned that acting is about taking in the other person that you're on screen, on stage, what have you, with and letting their behavior dictate or decide what I do next, freeing. Q: Great. Is there a specific thing you learned that surprised you about yourself as an artist or a person? A: I've learned that I have more depth in me than I ever imagined. For example, with my rage, I've learned in the last semester and a half that I've been here that I have a lot more anger in me than I ever expected. I'm sure you know, and people around me, when they see me, they see all the smiles and the laughs, but I've learned that my rage is absolute, and it needs to be heard, and it needs to be practiced as an artist because sometimes it's the truth. Q: What drew you to the Meisner technique? A: The thing that drew me to the Meisner technique, I would say. First, the definition is the ability to do truthfully in imaginary circumstances. I think that idea is excellent, to live the truth in an honest moment out in fictional cases, where once you yell cut, there are no repercussions, no issues that come afterward. But, still, you get to live and feel and experience something so authentic at that moment. It teaches you something about yourself that is just illuminating, and it's like a high, almost, and that's what's cool about the Meisner technique. It just really brings people to life. Learn more about Meisner work at the studio by visiting the studio website. Actors interested in the two-year acting program can apply online or call the studio at (917) 789-1599 with questions. Maggie Flanigan Studio 147 W. 25th St. 5th Floor New York, NY 10001 (917) 789-1599
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via Maggie Flanigan Studio
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