Monday, July 24, 2017

Liked on YouTube: Fitness for the Actor - Julia Crockett - Maggie Flanigan Studio

Fitness for the Actor - Julia Crockett - Maggie Flanigan Studio Fitness for the Actor - Julia Crockett - Maggie Flanigan Studio Julia Crockett teaches movement classes for actors at the Maggie Flanigan Studio. In this video Julia explain how the right fitness program can help a working actor. The question that actors ask me the most has to be what they should be doing to stay in shape, which is a problematic question because there are so many misunderstandings about what it means to be or to have an actor's body. On one hand, actors really do need to be in shape. They have to be present in their body, they have to have endurance and stamina, they also need to be watchable. On the other hand, so many actors focus on aesthetic instead of a strong instrument or what we talk about, is a released instrument, and they develop a fitness program that's really working against their body as an artist's body. Usually, the first thing I tell people is to stop weight lifting. Weight lifting is just building a shield between you and the world. Really, if you think about the actors that you really love to watch, the actors that are your idols and role models, think about their physicality, so few of them are jacked up, physical actors. That's because what we want for an actor is for their body to be soft. By over-developing their instrument, they're really robbing themselves of a body they can experience. My experience on set is you work these long days, 14 hours, 15 hours, and what really helps me to stay present has to do with a physical regimen that has a lot of variety, that works on flexibility, on fluidity, on dynamic physical impulses rather than just strength and an aesthetically pleasing body. To learn more about movement classes at the Maggie Flanigan Studio, visit the studio website or call the studio directly at (917) 789-1599. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599 movement class for actors, movement classes for actors,movement class, movement classes, movement class teacher, movement class instructor, julia crockett
via YouTube

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