Summer Acting Program Dunstan Wallace - Maggie Flanigan Studio - Call (917) 789-1599
Summer Acting Program - Best Summer Acting Program - Maggie Flanigan Studio - Call (917) 789-1599 The summer acting program at the Maggie Flanigan Studio introduces actors to the Meisner Technique and professional actor training. In this interview with Katie, Dunstan Wallace discusses the acting program and some of the ways he changed during the six week program. Q: Dunstan, what did you think about to train as an actor before you started the six weeks super-intensive? Well, I really had no idea what it was to train as an actor because my prior experience would be, the teacher would just pair us up, same partners and then just give us a scene, you rehearse it, you put it up on the front of the class and he gives us feedback, that was it. I was thinking I wasn't really getting what I thought I was getting. I felt like I was saying lines and just line reading and not really getting into the character. Yes, I really had no idea what it was to train as an actor. Q: What happened to you during the six weeks that changed your perspective on acting? Everything changed. The approach that Charlie instilled in us, the work ethic, the commitment, a lot of sacrifices, you can't just go to a studio and expect the teachers to sprinkle magic fairy dust on you and think that you just going to be this person. They really tell you, they really teach you, they're very nurturing, they care, but at the same time, you have to do the work. It's the work ethic, pretty much that I've got from the six weeks program, the work ethic, like really setting the bar for yourself and really taking a pride in your work. That was something that really stuck with me. Q: What did you learn about yourself that was a surprise and that changed you during the six weeks? I think the biggest thing I learned was how sensitive I was. It was very endearing and lining at the same time scary because as a man, it's not really popular to be that sensitive. I had to really fight that and Charlie was so nurturing. He said, "Look, it's safe here. You can express how you feel. You don't have to worry about that." That's something that it was a cultural thing for me. I had to really break that and really fight that obstacle. I think being here and working with Charlie-- He really helped me to just embrace being who I am. Q: How would you describe Charlie as an acting teacher? Charlie is amazing. He doesn't BS you at all. He tells you straight up how it is and that's something I admire about him. He sets the bar so high that as an artist yourself, you go out and you want to challenge yourself as an artist. He really puts a lot of wisdom into you as an artist. He tells you to question your artistry and to question your contribution to this industry. That's something I really took from Charlie. He was very passionate about his work. He cares, which is important. He's nurturing, he wants you to do well, but at the same time, he instills so much work. He says, "Know the work ethics. It's about the work. It's about the work ethics." That's something that I loved about him. I embrace that, yes. Learn more about the acing programs and the Meisner Summer Intensive at the Maggie Flanigan Studio by visiting the studio website acting programs page or by calling (917) 789-1599 during normal studio hours. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 (917) 789-1599 acting classes NYC, acting classes in NYC, maggie flanigan studio, actors, maggie flanigan, Meisner technique training, Meisner technique, Meisner training, Meisner, Meisner work, Meisner acting, Meisner acting classes, acting conservatory, best acting studio in NYC
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