The Maggie Flanigan Studio doesn't try and make you into a Nicole Kidman or a Cate Blanchett. You are going to get work that is fulfilling only if you are true to yourself and you bring your strengths to the table. Maggie Flanigan really lets you figure out what those strengths are and makes you the best actor you can be. Interviewer: What would you say to a perspective student or someone who is thinking about committing to training who've maybe thought, "Well, two years is a long time. I don't really need to train." Or, "I'm 24, I'm too old." Or, "I don't have the time. I don't have the money." Maybe finding reasons, a lot of reasons right now to do that or do this, why would you tell them to do it? Esma: Well, first of all, I'm 30. I had a whole past life where I've never would imagine making such a drastic career shift, but I'm so grateful that I had the strength and courage to do that. Because I'm following a passion. That's where I would start, I would say. Ask yourself why. Why do you want to do this? Becasue if it's not a real passion of yours, if there isn't curiosity that you can't help, but you have to itch that scratch and you want to learn more and you want to get better, then you won't be able to do this. It's just going to feel like a chore. Because this is an intense program that really prepares you for the industry and really prepares you to give it your all and do your best. If you're not in that head space, it's going to feel like it's too much. Ask yourself why you want to do this and then, if the answer is, "Yes this is the only thing I want to do in life," just go for it. No excuses, just go for it. You will find a way to make the money. You will find a way to get through those difficult classes, where you think you're not learning anything, you're not making any progress. Interviewer: Why would you tell that person that Maggie Flanigan Studio's the best place for them to study? Esma: Because I think Maggie Flanigan makes you the best actor you can be. It doesn't try and make you into a Nicole Kidman or a Cate Blanchett because we're not all the same. We have different strengths. We react differently to different circumstances. It took me a while to let go of that actually. In the beginning, I tried imitating other classmates. I tried imitating other actors I see on TV. That's not the way you go because the industry is going to accept you and you're going to get work that's fulfilling only if you are true to yourself and you bring your strengths to the table. Maggie Flanigan really lets you figure out what those strengths are. Interviewer: Now that you're done with first year, you have a little bit of a break. How do you feel about starting second year in September? Esma: I appreciate having a break, but at the same time I have withdrawal symptoms. I don't know what to do with myself because I'm so used to coming to class. What was the question? What am I going to do-- Interviewer: How do you feel about starting second year in two months? Esma: I'm excited. I don't know what is going to be thrown at us. Charlie says it's going to be a whole different ball game. We're going to learn about character work and how to approach a script. I'm excited to get in to the nitty gritty. A little apprehensive, but it's good. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599 www.maggieflaniganstudio.com/ goo.gl/maps/oxqqExybwL32 plus.google.com/112291205845820496849 https://flic.kr/p/MyjXMb
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