Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Meisner Summer Intensive - Gibran Cantu Interview - Maggie Flanigan Studio - Call (917) 789-1599

Meisner Summer Intensive - Gibran Cantu Interview - Maggie Flanigan Studio - Call (917) 789-1599

Meisner Summer Intensive - Gibran Cantu Interview https://www.maggieflaniganstudio.com Best Meisner Summer Intensive - Call Maggie Flanigan Studio (917) 789-1599 The Meisner Summer Intensive at Maggie Flanigan Studio is a six-week course that allows actors to experience professional actor training. In this video Gibran Cantu talks about coming to NYC for this program and his experience with the Meisner Technique. Logan: Okay. Why don't we start at the very beginning? When did you realize that you wanted to be an actor? Gibran Cantu: When I was like six years old, probably. I would watch a movie, and I was like, "Oh, I want to do that." Q: Was there a specific actor in that movie, a director, or something that happened? A: It was a kids' movie. It was also baseball involved, and I liked the sports, so it was just a bunch of, "Oh, those kids are playing baseball, and they're also acting, and they look like friends. They're having a good time." So, yes, that set me on this path. Q: Great. Did you do a bunch of theater and things growing up in school, then? A: No. I had maybe one or two classes, but I don't remember doing much theater when I was in school, mostly because I was also playing sports and I couldn't get in touch a lot with my feelings if you were the sensible kid, you were picked on and bullied and made fun of. So, yes, I had both worlds because I also liked music and playing the guitar, and my mom started to-- well, she influenced me. I did it because I wanted to, but I remember doing poetry readings. I had both worlds, the sports world and then the artistic one. I was always in the mix, so that I couldn't express myself. My family also comes from a small town in Mexico where everything is very macho. A man must be challenging, and you should not cry or blah. So it was hard to express myself. Only when I was growing up, did I start to pursue the acting world. Q: Sure. Well, Mexico is a long way from New York City. What brought you here? A: Wow, it's far. Well, I got here very by mistake, and I mean that because my girlfriend, who also attended this course, told me that this life coach she follows on Instagram was talking about how her husband was an acting teacher and he was starting a podcast. "You should check it out," and I'm just like, "Okay, let's try it." It was a pandemic, and I was reading a lot and trying to do new things, including podcasts. So I started listening to Charlie's podcast and connected to it. I said, "Oh, what's he talking about? I resonated and connected to it." I was listening everywhere, in the gym, and just walking around, making my notes, trying to apply what he was saying, but I wanted to come and know what he was talking about. So that's why I'm here; two years after the first episode I listened to, I could make the trip to New York. To learn more about the Meisner Summer Intensive and the summer acting program at Maggie Flanigan Studio, visit the studio website. Students who have questions about enrollment details can call the studio at (917) 789-1599. Maggie Flanigan Studio 147 W. 25th St. 5th Floor New York, NY 10001 (917) 789-1599 https://www.maggieflaniganstudio.com/new-york-ny https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17904951966372592922 https://maggieflaniganstudio.business.site/ https://sites.google.com/view/maggieflaniganstudio/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vYW3rqJKd9WV6lIl7Je9A https://www.youtube.com/user/Maggieflaniganstudio https://twitter.com/MeisnerActing https://www.instagram.com/meisneracting/ https://www.pinterest.com/maggieflaniganstudio/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/maggie-flanigan-studio https://www.facebook.com/meisneractingnewyork https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/meisneracting10001/index.html http://www.pearltrees.com/maggieflaniganstudio https://www.pressadvantage.com/organization/maggie-flanigan-studio
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/913f_UmPTjc
via Maggie Flanigan Studio

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