Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Voice and Speech Class - Voice Class 04

Raife Baker teaches Voice and Speech classes for actors at the Maggie Flanigan Studio in New York City. These are images of Raife in class discussing the importance of the Meisner technique and dialects. The Meisner Technique trains actors to work simply and specifically, and this must be brought to language skills. By identifying some key structural parts of an argument, an actor can identify those words and phrases that are really going to give them the most “miles per gallon” in a scene (we would call them operative words). When an actor sits down to look at a scene or monologue, especially if that text is heightened or complicated, it can be a great and practical skill to be able to look through the text with an eye toward making clear arguments and specific choices about the most effective words to use in order to achieve with text. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599 www.maggieflaniganstudio.com/ goo.gl/maps/oxqqExybwL32 plus.google.com/100897218937179347163 http://flic.kr/p/V6qWCR

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