Q: Now that you're done with your first year, what did you learn about yourself this year that was a surprise or that changed you? A: For me, honestly, I learned that I could finish something on my own. That was a big thing because I didn't finish college, a typical academic college. I think the biggest thing, honestly, is that my emotional well, so to speak, or spectrum is way more grand than I thought. I thought that just from different life experiences that I've kind of lost my ability to cry, my ability to really feel sad or empathy or be vulnerable in certain situations. This program told me that I'm still a human. That has been huge for me and has really improved my relationships with myself and with those closest to me. That is hugely gratifying and fortunate. The other thing, too, I guess, that I found out what that hard work means. I found out that I'm not afraid to fail, which- I don't want to say I didn't know about myself because I tried a lot of different things. Obviously, things didn't work out as I had maybe hoped, but to fail day in and day out and walk away alive and okay is also huge for me. This program really puts you through that gauntlet and through that trial and tribulation. I feel very happy that I can do it. Q: What's it like to have a bad day in acting class? A: It's still worst, but really, the only way to have a bad day in acting class, is when you don't do the work outside of class. That's why it's the worst because you have no one to blame except for yourself, which is in one side, it feels awful, but then in the other side, well, that's something I can fix. It's not hopeless. It's not out of my control. It's when you know you didn't do the work and at this program, which I love about it, there's no hiding. You can't slip through and slide through things. It really teaches you how to be accountable for yourself. The worst days for me were when I had to deal with that about myself. Letting yourself down really is the worst. You think it's letting Charlie down, but in the end, it's really you let yourself down. That's the worst part about it. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599 www.maggieflaniganstudio.com/ goo.gl/maps/oxqqExybwL32 plus.google.com/112291205845820496849 https://flic.kr/p/297cCCA
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